Sunday, March 17, 2013

Fundamentals of Animation Projects 2012

So I am finally getting around to putting my blog together. I am going to go through and post all the school projects from the past years at LCAD (at least the ones that are worth seeing).

We are starting this spree of posts with my work from Dave Kuhn's Fundamentals of Animation class.

The ten-second restaurant scene where a character has to be sitting at a table and then react to whatever the waiter brings him.

Movement, drag and follow-through scene. I think the requirements were to just make the character jump up in the air and land and also show drag and follow-through. I tried to do some locomotion since I couldn't bear to have Speedy just stand there and jump.

My first head turn. Marvin the Martian was a fun first character to tackle.

The heavy ball project where we were first learning about weight and movement.

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